Royal $15.70/per yard Quantity discount available. Call 800-392-3581 to order. Phthalates Information- Content: Vinyl
- Width: 61"
- Roll Size: 25 yds.
- Weight (per square yard): 16 oz.
- Finish: Leather
- Yarn: Polyester
- Yarn Count: 20 x 20/1"
- Grab Tensile: 450 x 505 lbs.
- Tounge Tear: 85 x 95 lbs.
- Adhesion: 25 lbs./2".
- Cold Crack: -30°F
- Anti-Mildew: Yes
- UV Pigments: Yes
- (6P) Phthalates: Less than 0.1% (complies with CPSC standards)
- Lead: Less than 100 PPM (complies with CPSC standards)
- Flammability:
- ASTM E-84 Class "A"
- CSFM Title 10
- NFPA 701